Bath Salts – Eucalyptus & Vanilla (Sml)


Eucalyptus & Vanilla Bath Salts (Sml) – 90gm

Aboriginal Owned

Eucalyptus & Vanilla Bath Salts (Sml) – 90gm

An indulgent blend of natural salts combined with the aromatics of vanilla oil and native eucalyptus. Eucalyptus has many healing benefits in aromatherapy, a powerful plant that has been used for thousands of years by Indigenous Australians. Benefits of this aromatic blend include:

  • Detoxing the body
  • Soothing fatigued muscles
  • Reducing the appearance of blemishes
  • Relieving pain & soreness in joints
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Clears the airways when air/steam is inhaled whilst bathing

Ingredient & Allergen Information: Epsom Salts, Sea Salt, Himilayan Salt, Eucalyptus Leaves, Vanilla Extract.

Directions for Use: Sprinkle approximately 1/3 of the bag into a bath made to the temperature of your choosing, allow to sit for around 5 minutes to begin to dissolve the larger salt crystals, giving a gentle stir. Soak & enjoy! In the rare instance that skin becomes irritated, cease bathing and seek medical advice.


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